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We get by with a little help from our friends

Friends care about each other. They support one another. And they have fun together. We offer many great opportunities to our friends, and we are grateful for the many ways you help the U shine ever brighter.

Ways to Get Involved

’Canes Communities

’Canes Communities act as official representatives of the University of Miami Alumni Association in geographic areas throughout the country and the world.
Learn more


Volunteer Opportunities

From organizing national outreach activities to serving as online career advisors to students, the University offers many opportunities to make a significant impact.

Find Your Network

Reconnect with your student organizations or join other alumni who share similar interests and affinities at the University of Miami.

’Cane Biz

Check out this updated directory of businesses owned and operated by your fellow ’Canes and discover alumni discounts near you.


UM License Plate

When you purchase the U plate, you showcase your love for the University and also support current students.
Get your plate

Upcoming Events

Stay Connected

Have you moved, changed your name, or have a new job title or professional affiliation? Click here to update your information today

The University of Miami Alumni Association supports an open and inclusive environment for all members of the Hurricane family. Please feel free to contact the Office of Engagement at 1-866-UMALUMS (862-5867) or

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