Colombia ’Canes

Welcome to the home page for the Colombia ’Canes

Colombia ’Canes serves as the official representative of the University of Miami Alumni Association.  This is your local connection to the growing global UM network!

The Colombia ’Canes Community is led by local University of Miami volunteers to provide an opportunity for alumni, parents, students and friends to connect to UM through a variety of different programs and events. We host a variety of programming that include educational and social programs, as well as networking opportunities across various professions. 

Connect with “The U”:

UConnect: Update your contact info to get involved with the ’Canes Community in your area for networking and events. This will help you receive updates about when the University of Miami Alumni Association will be in your area and local events put on by your ’Canes Community. If you’re not hearing about activities where you live, UConnect!

For more information, please contact the Colombia 'Canes President, Carlos Largacha-Martinez, M.A. '02 P.H.D. '07, at  
